〜ニライカナイ〜 Niraikanai
森の中の海 Birth, Death and Inbetween

Energy Reading
リーディング、チャネリング、ミディアムシップ、エネルギーワークの総合セッション。 方向に迷った時、可能性が見えなくなった時、後押しが欲しい時にご利用ください。 的確なアドバイスとエネルギーサポートで、ご自身の本来の力に気づき直し、より自分を好きになって、自信が持てるようになるセッションです。やり方を捜し求めるのはもうやめて、「自分らしさ」というあり方を取り戻しませんか?
Reading, Channeling, Midiumship and energy work are used in this session. If you are unsure of your future, seems to be hitting a dead-end and/or needing some reassuarance for your decidion makings, please come take advantage of this popular session. Meg will give you clear and precise comments for you to re-discover yourself and help you to love yourself more. It's time to stop looking for "how-to" out there and just "be" yourself from within!
Work Shops
Qauntum-Touch®,Lymph Care, preparation for birth and death.
Certification courses are available. Whether you would like to be an alternative health professional or intend to help self and others around you, we welcome you for these workshops! These courses enhance not only healing skills but also your quality of lives.
Meg's teaching is thorough and bright. Full of insights during the classes and students definitely take positive results out of those experiences.
Spa Services
Lymph Care, Body work, Facial, Head and Foot care, etc...
All treatments are combined with Energy healing. Hands-on treatments are very refreshing and relaxation from the deepest level are guaranteed. Beautification, rejuvenation, wellness and alleviation of wide range of symptoms are expected. Clients are highly hooked to most of the menus once they experienced actually. They say they do not wish to get similar treatments elsewhere because of its long lasting results.